Katharine Graves' HypnoBirthing blog talks about her passion for her work at The HypnoBirthing Centre, where she teaches couples to take control of their own childbirth process, allowing them to give birth more naturally, comfortably, quickly and with reduced or no medical intervention. As well as running HypnoBirthing courses, Katharine is also a doula, craniosacral therapist, nutritionist, kinesiologist and mother of four grown-up children.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Last Minute Arrival

No, it wasn't a baby. It was my arrival at this evening's HypnoBirthing class in Wiltshire. Having worked in London in the afternoon it seemed that a 4pm departure from London would give me plenty of time to reach the Wiltshire class this evening. But an accident on the M4 involved a detour around Wokingham which added an extra hour to the journey and I arrived at the class with timing that would have done justice to Phineas Fogg, at exactly 7pm.