Katharine Graves' HypnoBirthing blog talks about her passion for her work at The HypnoBirthing Centre, where she teaches couples to take control of their own childbirth process, allowing them to give birth more naturally, comfortably, quickly and with reduced or no medical intervention. As well as running HypnoBirthing courses, Katharine is also a doula, craniosacral therapist, nutritionist, kinesiologist and mother of four grown-up children.

Monday 16 June 2008

Private HypnoBirthing Classes

I'm off to do a private HypnoBirthing class tomorrow. This is for a mother who is having her second baby. Having found out the hard way what birth is like without HypnoBirthing first time round, this time she's decided to do the course. Second time mothers come to me with the phrase, 'If only.....' on their lips. 'If only someone had told me.' 'If only I'd known.' HypnoBirthing helps to remove the 'if onlys' before they happen.

With this mother I shall be doing a private class in one day instead of two, because second time mothers know a lot about birth already, so I don't need to talk about that side of it. They're amazed at the difference HypnoBirthing makes, because they have something to compare it with.