Katharine Graves' HypnoBirthing blog talks about her passion for her work at The HypnoBirthing Centre, where she teaches couples to take control of their own childbirth process, allowing them to give birth more naturally, comfortably, quickly and with reduced or no medical intervention. As well as running HypnoBirthing courses, Katharine is also a doula, craniosacral therapist, nutritionist, kinesiologist and mother of four grown-up children.

Wednesday 30 January 2008

Convenient New Course Venue

I've just found a great venue for a course which will help people in Surrey or South London. This week I visited The Banstead Centre which is in a really convenient position just off the M25. There's plenty of parking there, and I'm delighted that The HypnoBirthing Centre can start courses there in the summer. It plugs a gap in the provision of courses in that area, and is in a relaxed and quiet setting. Have a look at the website for details of dates www.thehypnobirthingcentre.co.uk.